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"Don’t blow up your YETI cooler. Don’t shoot your YETI cooler full of holes. Don’t chain your YETI cooler to the back of your pick-up truck and drag it down the highway. Don’t glue a toilet seat to YETI cooler. Don’t hang your YETI cooler in a tree and beat it with a baseball bat," Hammer wrote. The sticker not only takes a shot at Yeti, but it markets the NRA in a visible way. And it will be given away for free at the NRA's annual meeting and convention in Dallas this weekend . Hammer wrote that the stickers will also be available at local “Friends of NRA Banquet & Auctions.” This continues the fallout from the NRA claim that Yeti has joined a number of businesses that have distanced themselves from the NRA or gun manufacturers after several high-profile shootings. Related stories from The State in Columbia SC YETI fires back at NRA, says it still supports gun group and Second Amendment On April 20, the NRA sent a letter to its members saying "YETI has declined to do business with The NRA Foundation saying they no longer wish to be an NRA vendor, and refused to say why.
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