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During a European textile show in Manhattan, their creativity kicked into full gear. They discovered embossed cork clutches that looked “skin-like” and were new, unique, and environmentally friendly. “Our embossed cork designs give you the luxury of exotic skins without the guilt,” says Patty. With several designs manufactured in Italy they also worked closely with European and New York artisans. Working in an industry some feel is saturated does not dissuade them. Their access to materials that many high-end fashion designers use, they say, makes them stand out. And, they limit production runs and don’t sell in major department stores, so their products feel unique. “We are a small company and able to get products out quickly, often a year ahead of the larger companies,” Katie says. “Last year, Jimmy Choo used the same fleurette raffia in his wedges that we had used the prior summer.” Another perk to the consumer is personal service.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.longislandpress.com/2018/06/19/summer-staples-a-classicchic-look/
Discovering The Answers To Rudimentary [textile Testing] Systems
